Now, for the record, im in the green n my sis in pink....supposedly im the one in pink since im the one who love pink, she loves blue.but then since green is the new pink, i go for green on the raya korban day =) hehe...ape yg aku ngarut ni....sje mengisi mase lapang...since i hv dis blog for my assgmnt,why not i just continue use it...^_^ lgpn, sape la yg nk tgk blog aku ni....klu de sape2 terbace, leave a comment k......arigato.... now for the sis n i share a similar fate when it comes with dealing boys...aduyai...only two of us know the pain....the wierd thing is, my sis n i hv a vast different in our personality n our appearence also not the same...this makes me wonder, what kind of a girl that u guys out there is searching for?as for me, i dont really care...but my sister?huh?r u guys blind or what?cian adik aku ni....stop messing around....please......
Saturday, November 28, 2009
me n my sis ^_^
Now, for the record, im in the green n my sis in pink....supposedly im the one in pink since im the one who love pink, she loves blue.but then since green is the new pink, i go for green on the raya korban day =) hehe...ape yg aku ngarut ni....sje mengisi mase lapang...since i hv dis blog for my assgmnt,why not i just continue use it...^_^ lgpn, sape la yg nk tgk blog aku ni....klu de sape2 terbace, leave a comment k......arigato.... now for the sis n i share a similar fate when it comes with dealing boys...aduyai...only two of us know the pain....the wierd thing is, my sis n i hv a vast different in our personality n our appearence also not the same...this makes me wonder, what kind of a girl that u guys out there is searching for?as for me, i dont really care...but my sister?huh?r u guys blind or what?cian adik aku ni....stop messing around....please......
Sunday, November 1, 2009
yeojanun ara,namjanun molla!
its a girl boy thing....haha....well, this time i'll tell you guys about my UIA, kulliyyah of science, CTS 091 batch...=) although we are not that many in numbers,but that's the reason we are close with each other. u know me and i know u...hehe....but do we really know each other?hmm....well, we still have 3 and a half year to get to know each other. even so, we have done some activities throughout this semester. Raya gathering and CTS gotong royong, that's worth for a precious memory to keep with us. this is just starters...we still have a really long journey here...hope we can organize more activities together...=) before i end, i wish u guys good luck in ur examination and hope we pass it with flying colours!
u go girls! =)
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