Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Jadi cam burung hantu daa...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Harry Potter 7 part 1...Aha!
Weeeee!Tak sabar aku nak tengok! Erk...aku tau korang da lama tengok movie ni. Aku belum lagi...huaaaa T_T. Kat sini tak ada kemudahan pawagam2 itu....Tak ape. Tengok movie ni akan menjadi list utama aku bila da sampai Penang nanti. Ngeh3...
Harry Potter 7 atau nama penuhnya Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - lama gila aku tunggu movie ni keluar. Da berapa kali aku duk ulang baca buku tu @_@. Syok giler masa baca buku dia. Tambah lagi dengan movie Harry Potter kali ni akan ikut buku betol2 sejibik, fuih lagi la syok. Aku tak kisah dia nak buat berapa part pun. Haha...
Tapi, awat part 2 bulan 7 tahun depan baru nak kuar T_T...lama giler gap tu...lepas tengok yang ni duk tunggu second part pulak. Aduihhh..
Friday, November 26, 2010
Bleach fans put up your hands
Boleh caye tak muka tu minat Bleach? yang oren tu aku,sebelah tu kawan aku. Malang nya kawan aku yang tu tak minat ngan kartun2 nih. Haha.Blog pinky semacam,profile picture pun letak gambar bear, tapi tuan nya hardcore fan Bleach. Jeng jeng jeng... dont be surprise~ never judge a book by its cover (bab kata omputeh ler).
Erk...kot ada orang tak tau Bleach ni ape, meh aku terangkan. Bleach yang dimaksudkan disini bukan clorox atau bahan2 peluntur yang digunakan oleh kebanyakan rumah. Yang aku maksudkan ialah manga atau anime yang dicipata oleh Tite Kubo. Sebut pasal manga mesti lah orang jepun yang buat.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Girls' Generation - Star Star Star 별별별 (☆★☆)
one, two, three
tto hana dul set
again. one, two, three
michigetta byoldura
i'm going crazy, stars
amuri chyodabwado niga boijil ana oh baby
no matter how much i look towards u, i dont see u oh baby
du nune gaduk goin nunmul ttaemune da no ttaemune
becoz of the dead tears that fill my eyes, all becoz of u
bonjyojin gulja wiro bichin unun nae olgul oh baby
my crying face reflects over the smudged letters oh baby
tto ulji mallago nal dajim haebwado tto uro
even though i telll myself and i promise myself not to cry, i cry again
na ottoke (molla ottoke ottoke)
what do i do? (i dont know what to do)
na iroke (molla michige iroke)
i'm like this (i dont know, im giong crazy like this)
da no ttaeme (jongmal no ttaeme)
all becoz of u (really becoz of u)
na amugotto hal su opjana
i cant do anything
nan nol byol byol byol byolmankum saranghae
i love u until the stars stars stars
wattongoya norul chaja jo molliso non shining star
i came to look for u, u'r that shining star
byol byol byol byolmarul da haebwado pyohyoni andwae
stars stars stars, eventhough i try to say it, i cant express myself
jongmal nomuna dapdaphae
its really so suffocating
ije nan ottoke haeya hana
what should i do now?
hana dul seo bwado kkuchi boijil ana oh baby
one, two, no matter how much i count, i dont see the end oh baby
gasume gaduk damgin chuok ttaemune tto si saenggage
becoz of the memories that fill my heart, again the thought of u
mot dahan yaegil kkonae honjatmal ppun irado oh baby
the words i couldnt say, eventhough they're words i say alone oh baby
nol dollyo dallago nal bonae dallago ni gyote
asking to return to u, asking to be sent by ur side
kkok butakhae (jebal iroke butakhae)
i beg (please i'm begging like this)
kkok hanure (naye gidorul hanure)
to the sky (my prayers to the sky)
nal wirohe (narul wirohae)
comfort me (comfort me)
jundanun non odie inni jebal
where are u? please
byol byol byol byoldura marhaebwa
stars stars stars. stars tell me
kkut nangoni gurongoni daedap haebwa utjiman malgo
if its over, if its like that, answer me, please dont just laugh
byol byol byol byoldura butakhae
stars stars stars. stars, im begging
dan hanbonman irado nal nae sarang ni gyote naragul su itge hejwo
that u let me be by the side of my love even if its just one more time
star star star uh~ baby star star star ahh~
repeat c/o
Thursday, October 28, 2010
"live like your dying"
Peace - if we set our mind that we must do good to other to own deeds, then the world of course will be peace. There kindness in the air around us. Everyone of us cares each other. It can also be that people are all racing to own deeds and become a really faithful servant towards our God, since we are going to die.
Chaos - this will happened if people are selfish. Only want to fulfill their desire. Desire are a very frightful thing. It can make us do unreasonable thing to own it. People will start to push each other away, doesn't care about the law in fact the will be no laws anymore. Since i'm going to die, why not i get myself this and that. That is my right in this world. That will be the mind set of people who don't have religion in their heart.
But of course this is true, that we are all dying. Each and every seconds we are getting older. Each and every second we are reaching our time limit. But not many people think it this way? That's why there are a lot of corruption going around.
Think about it. Lu pikir la sendiri...
Monday, October 25, 2010
mydeathspace.com - myspace for the dead
busy busy busy = easy busy???
And yes, i am very very very busy now. Huhu T_T~
Banyak assignment yang kena hantar minggu ini, exam akan mula dalam masa seminggu je lagi.
Tak pernah lagi macam ni. Semua last minit. Kami yang sepatutnya ada study week = no classes and no assignments anymore (sesuka hati aku je bagi definition -.-). Tapi minggu ni still ada 3 class plus 5 assignments!
So that's my situation for now. Updating my blog is partial imposible for this 3 weeks. But i'll be back soooooon. >.<
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Blog updated!
ngeh ngeh ngeh >.<
Walaupun tak update, ada 1 post dalam blog aku ni yang menarik orang masuk. Iaitu lirik lagu TVXQ. Hahaha... Agak-agak la kan, kalau aku post lirik SUJU mesti naik trafik page aku nih >.< (poyo gler). Aku da lama tak post lirik kpop. Ada 1 dalam perancangan, akan dipost pada masa akan datang (itu pun kalau internet kat sini tak selambat kura-kura yang merangkak-nak bukak 1 page pun seksa!)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Spring cleaning...rajin nya?
wiper set
kain buruk
mp4 (wajib ada >.<)
Sudah menjadi kebiasaan aku, sampai je mahallah (hostel/asrama/kolej) perkara pertama yang aku buat (selepas bangun daripada tidur) ialah cuci compartment aku nih. Iye la, sampai subuh. Selepas solat terus tidur. Muahahaha....
Tak tau kenapa, kat sini kuat sangat berdebu. Kalah matrik aku yang kat PJ dulu. Sini keliling hutan, tapi debu mashaallah banyak oiii....Kalau sapu je memang tak cukup. Debu ni kan suka terbang, kita sapu nanti dia landing balik. Macam tak sapu je -.-. Kipas pun tak sampai setgh tahun dah kena lap. Kalau tak berat nanti tak rasa angin kipas tu.
Sambil kemas sambil dengar lagu korea adalah kewajiban aku (sambil melalak sorg2 kat bilik ada la -.-). Nasib baik ada wiper set kerja mencuci lebih senang. Bukan senang nak cuci kipas tuh (tak sampai kot). Debu2 pun licin. Lap je lantai tu senang. Lap situ lap sini siap! ^_^
Nasib baik kecik je bilik ni kalau tak jenuh jugak. @_@
Friday, September 17, 2010
Aku pulang
aku pulang
pulang ke mana?
ke kuantan.
bukan kampung aku
bukan tempat aku lahir
bukan juga alamat dalam IC aku.
Aku pulang,
ke kuantan
tempat aku belajar
tempat aku menuntut ilmu
bukan di UMP
tapi di UIA
rumah kedua aku
untuk 4 tahun
disana menantinya
exam advance calculus
yang digeruni
semua classmate aku
termasuk aku sendiri. (T_T)
Aku pulang
ini malam
ke kuantan
ke UIA
ke rumah kedua aku.
p/s : : huaaaa~ tak nak balik lg~ T_T
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Oh tidak!
dua minggu juga aku cuti daripada buku
langsung tak tersentuh buku itu
Oh, advance calculus,
kenapa kamu punya midterm exam
berlaku sejurus selepas cuti?
Aku duk kat rumah ni,
mana la ada mood nak tgk buku
cuti tetap cuti, buku letak jauh2
Sekarang demam advance caculus bermula
Semua orang tak bersedia
Macam mana aku tau?
sebab semua buat status sama kat facebook @_@
Oh tidak!
bila aku nak start study nih?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tag kad Raya daripada Nab and Erna
1. kalau balik raya, rumah siapakah yang anda akan balik?
First stop, rumah sendiri kat Tanah Merah. Then lepas tu baru balik kampung ngn family
2. juadah apakah yang sering dihidangkan pada hari pertama RAYA anda?
Kuih raya,kek raya, ketupat etc etc...
3. Pakaian anda di pagi Raya?
Tanya plak..mestila baju kurung -.-
4. anda pergi sembahyang Raya tak?
pergi je klu kesempatam ^_<
5. masa salam dan mohon maaf dengan mak ayah, apa yang anda cakap?
Selamat hari raya,maaf zahir dan batin, halal kan makan minum selama ini...
6. berapa banyak duit Raya yang anda selalu dapat?
Kecik-kecik dulu ade la bnyk...skg da besar panjang da jarang orang kasi duit raya..T_T
7. Apa tema baju raya korang tahun ni?
Kuning! ^_^v
8. Apa perkara yang korang suka masa hari Raya?
Pergi lawat rumah kawan2...>.< korang sambut aku kat depan pintu tu tau!
9. Siapa insan yang anda ingin minta maaf sangat? kenapa?
Hmm..mesti la ibubapa, mana tau ada terkecilkan hati mereka secara tak sedar...
10.nak tag:
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Satu family bowled
First time satu family aku main bowling (sempat lagi pose2 ni ek). Iye...termasuklah mak dan ayah aku semua main bowling. Ayah aku tak berminat pada mulanya, tapi bila dah cuba skali, dah melekat dah. Kami main satu round je (nak sambung shopping lagi).
Yup, kitorang pergi shopping untuk raya. Letih woo jalan seharian. Tapi tak semua barang yang dapat aku beli. Tak ada yang berkenan sih. Huhu...tak banyak sangat pilihan. Persiapan raya kali ini macam biasa, kemas rumah dan sebagai. Esok nak cuba buat kek lapis yang resepinya dapat daripada kawan satu course ^_^. Harap-harap menjadi dan korang jemput datang rumah aku untuk merasa ek. Hehe
Friday, September 3, 2010
Mooncake - Apa yang menyebabkan ia nya haram dimakan
Sebelum ni kat campus, aku ada jual mooncake ni kat coursemate2 aku (yang halal punya la). Then tetiba ada seorang kawan aku bagi soalan cepumas,
"mooncake yang tak halal tu diorang letak apa?"
erk...aku pun tak berapa pasti sebenar nya masa tu. Then diorang assume maybe letak arak kot (sebab cake yang tak halal pun sebab letak arak nak kasi tahan lama). Yang letak arak ni aku tak sure, tapi tadi aku tanya lah ayah aku. Jawapanya ialah~
Jeng jeng jeng.....lemak/minyak b*b*
Ha! Berhati-hati lah korang bila nak beli mooncake ni. Pastikan beli yang halal ek. Ayah aku cakap diorang letak ni nak kasi tahan lama dan kasi sinar sikit kat permukaan mooncake tu. Kalau kita biasanya sapu telur kuning kan?
Selamat sampai
Saje je...sebab da lama tak berupdate blog ni, sementara ada masa ni aku update la. >.<
Tinggal lebih kurang seminggu lagi kita umat Islam berpuasa. Dan seminggu yang last inilah kita kena tingkatkan lagi ibadat kita. Satu sebab berkat pahala yang berganda di minggu terakhir ini. Dua sebab ada malam lailatulqadar (insyaallah sama2 kita mencari nya). Tiga sebab bila da nak last ni rasa malas mula menguasai diri (cam tau2 jek -.-). Jadi sebagai ingatan untuk diri sendiri dan kalian, banyakkan amalan kerana selepas ini (insyaallah panjang umur) kena tunggu lagi setahun tibanya bulan ramadhan lagi. =)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Lama sudah...
ku tak lawat blog kawan,
blog orang,
blog walking..
Busy dengan assignment.
Lama sudah
ku tak perah otak,
cari idea,
update blog...
Busy dengan exam.
*psst : : Jadi tak aku berpuisi?ngeh3...saje je cuba2..mana tau kot leh jadi cam arina yang hebat berpuisi. ^_^v.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Cikgu-cikgu sekarang perlu ada facebook ke?
Mula-mula dulu aku tak perasan pun, tapi cam ada satu dua yang muncul. Apa salah nye kan cikgu pun nak ber'FB' jugak. Then tiba-tiba ayah aku add aku dalam facebook ni?@_@. Ok~ mula-mula aku cam selidik jugak, betul ke ni ayah aku punya? Macam betul. Aku accept je la. Mak aku da lama da ada, siap tanya aku dan adik aku lagi.
Part mak aku tu aku tak pelik la sebab mak aku selalu je bukak laptop masuk internet. Yang part ayah aku ni memang aku terkejut sebab ayah aku mane layan internet sume2 ni.*fyi dua2 parents aku cikgu ye*. Tapi xde la sampai x reti nak guna komputer ni. Ayah aku siap pegang makmal komp lagi kat sekolah.*sampai sekarang aku tak tanya lagi kenapa ayah aku bukak FB.* Jangan salah faham plak ingat aku tak call rumah. Baru je pagi tadi borak ngan ayah ^_^, tak terlintas plak nak tanya. Huhu..
Cuma baru kejap tadi macam terlintas di fikiran aku *cewah~* persoalan di atas. Sebab setiap kali refresh hompage FB lain-lain cikgu yang muncul @_@. Aku xde la plak terdengar dan terbaca mana-mana blog pasal isu ini. Nanti nak tanya ayah aku lah. Hoho...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Isu status halal McDonald
Tapi ok la, at least dia ada betulkan balik isu ni. Kalau tak jadi memfitnah plak ye? @_@. Ini Daripada Jakim sendiri menyatakan diorg tak gantung pun lesen halal McD. So setakat ni, McD halal. Tapi kalau kamu was was, tak payah la p makan kat sana, ye tak? =)
Assignment, Tutorial, Exam, arghhh!
Hari ini berlaku fenomena yang tak pernah berlaku sebelum ini. Kebanyakan classmate aku tak siap tutorial yang nak kena hantar hari ini? Yang perempuan je la, laki aku tak tau la plak.Kebiasaannya, majoriti siap dan yang tak siap copy je *alamak, terlepas rahsia. hehe >.<* Tapi kali ni, majoriti tak siap? Apa kes?
Nak buat macam mana, minggu ni bermula nya minggu exam. Semua da mula cuak. Kerja yang tak berape penting sangat ditinggalkan *ye ke? -.- i pun tak tau* . Anyway, good luck ye semua exam nanti! *kalau lah boleh dimakan tutor tu da lama aku hadamkan macam gambar kat atas tu -.-*.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Aik? Da terbalik?
Ni ha, masa aku tengah baca BH online, ada satu gambar yang macam kat paper, and caption kat bawah nye "PULANGLAH... Sebagai tanda rindu, tujuh daripada sembilan beradik di Kuala Krai, Kelantan menghasilkan kad raya ibu bapa mereka yang menghilangkan diri sejak Aidilfitri tahun lalu."
Yang buat aku terfikir terbalik ni ye lah, sebelum ni kita duk asyik dengar atau baca pasal anak yang hilang, anak gadis yang lari dengan sape entah. Janji sebelum ni parents yang merayu suruh anak pulang. Sekarang anak yang merayu suruh parents balik???@_@ Tak ke terbalik da tu?
Ni la, dunia akhir zaman~ Berita lanjut kat sini ye.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Perempuan dan Shopping, bagai isi dgn kuku!
Tapi ngan trend skrg, x payah kuar pun da leh shopping. Aik?cmne tu? Tak yah la buat muka pelik cmtu~ -.-. Online shopping la. Oooo~ buat2 tak tau lak -.-. Dalam awal tahun ni kot aku da addicted ngn online shop ni. Kenapa? Sebab lagi senang kot. Yg wat aku interested
- tak payah susah nak kena kuar. Duk ngadap depan lptp je
- harga lebih murah berbanding ngn kat kedai.
- senang nak cari ape yg kite nak. Nama lg internet kn?klik klik jumpa. Walah!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Dengan bangganya, kupersembahkan~
Hehehehe ^_^. Amacam? oki x layout baru saya? *da sopan la plak skg ye~ -.-*. Bukan senang tau nk wat semua tu. Satu persatu aku p gali cara2 nak buat semua ni tau! And mekacih bnyk2 la kat encik internet sbb mudahkan aku cari semua ini.
Jeles tak? Sila la jeles ye kamu2 sume >.< *giler poyo -.-*
Semua ini tak akan ada tanpa bantuan beberapa org individu yg pro gler2 dlm blog design nih! Thanks so much for teaching and allowing to use some of your design ^_^.
You guys boleh la p site2 ni. Diorang punye tutorials senang je nak paham. Tak susah pun. And boleh la korang amk design2 yang cantik2 kt situ sbb diorang kasi free jek ^_^. Salah satu site tu ade la kasi aku inspirasi dalam tema layout aku ni. *Da xde idea, p amk la idea org ye?*
Insyaallah, jika ada kesempatan, aku turunkan ilmu2 yg aku dapat sikit2 ni semasa create layout ni kt korang ye ^_^. Tak susah pun, tapi bnyk keje la. Tapi sape2 yg pernah belajar html lagi la senang nak paham, nak betul sana sini ikut suke pun senang je. Bagi aku ok la sebab pernah belajar sikit2 html n xml nih ^_^. Tapi jgn risau, site2 kat atas tu da bagi tutorial yg terperinci da, boleh je buat. Unless korg x paham English tu x dpt den nk tolong -.-.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
A Week Full with STRESS
Minggu ni memang banyak work yang kena buat - assignment, presentation,kuiz, assignment lagi, presentation lagi, and x lupa kelas2 yang memang wajib kena p. Klu tinggal 1 je kelas yang missed memang akan lost dalam jungle2 mathematics tu T_T. Dan ini bukan aku saje2 nak hyperbolic, ini betol punye, real punye. Sedangkan dalam kelas pun boleh lost, apatah lagi kalau x hadir kelas tu?
Tapi banyak2 work kat atas tu aku still boleh terima sebab student memang kena wat sume tu. Yang buat aku stress adalah presentation untuk subjek Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Malaysian Education! Aku yang ambik minor in education kat kuantan ngn member2 kena buat presentation on philosophical foundation.
And this is where the problem begins..mane nak cari semua bahan tu??? Memang la internet ade tapi kami langsung xde guideline ape yg perlu dipresentkan. Hanya ngan course outline mane cukup? Da la lecturer nak 36 slide. Memang la aku lost + sesat + stress. Tambah lagi dengan kat campus kuantan ni langsung x ada buku related ngan topic ni bertambah2 la stress aku.
Fortunately, kami dapat la siapkan dengan bantuan org2 tertentu and tadi da selamat present topic kami. Rasa lega yang teramat sangat ^_^. Gembiranya hati ini. Kuiz advanced calculus pun da selamat pada ari rabu. Tapi x tau la camne perfomance aku dalam kuiz tu. Nak wat camne, duk stress ngn presentation, kuiz advanced plak datang tambahkan stress.
setelah lega ngan habis nye presentation, tetiba cik syeken bg 1 berita yang memang naikkan stress aku yang baru je hilang x sampai 12 jam lagi T_T. Tiket nak balik raya pada 3hb 9 da habis! Punya la kalut tadi duk cari sape2 yg boleh tlg bawak kitorg kuar p cari tiket. Memang stress gile aku tadi. Sape x stress klu dapat tau tiket nak balik habis??? X beraya la alamat nye..
cik nani yg sgt baik ati nye tlg kitorg. Tu pun after berape ramai yg aku cari nk mintak tlg tuh! Nasib baik ade cik nani, syg kamu sgt! >.< hehe...dgn itu sempat lah kitorg beli tiket 2hb 9, hari khamis. Kitorg balik awal sbb xde klas ari jumaat tu. Jangan jeles ye~ ^_^
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Color Me Green ^_^
Tiba2 je ubah angin jap. Ye la, tak kan nak post lagu korea je kan?
Tujuan kempen ni nak memupuk kesedaran dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah dan ipta/ipts. Melentur buluh biar lah dr rebung nye kan?*cewah!sejak bila aku pndai berkata2?@_@*. This campaign is aimed at students from schools and colleges around Malaysia to initiate environmental awareness and take action within their schools, colleges and community.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Nama ku bertukar lagi???
Al- kisah nye~
Pagi tadi, aku berjaya jgk join program yg dianjurkan oleh batch aku ni. Yay! *ngade -.-* Tujuan utama nk merapatkn ukhwah yg sedia ada and bg aku, ada tercapai jgk walaupun x 100%. *ok la tu kn?* Best jgk la, mcm2 aktiviti yg memg best n happening.
Then, utk last aktiviti, kitorg yg dibhgikn dlm group kena tulis komen masing utk ahli2 dlm group tu. Penulis dirahsiakn w/pn ada gak blh dicam tulisan sume2 tu -.-. Mcm2 jgk komen n nasihat yg aku dpt n akan aku simpan n cuba baiki kelemahan yg ade.@_@ Dan dlm bnyk2 tu, ada la sorg tulis nama aku - kistina. Ok, yg ni memg aku x tau sape tp yg konpem nye mesti la dr kalangan bro dlm group aku tu.
Seingat aku, last org eja nama aku cmtu masa kt sekolah rendah dulu, x sangka plak muncul balik skrg @_@. Dia komen gak x kenal sgt aku, so xleh nk salahkn die. Nasihat nye harap aku lebih menonjol lepas ni? Owh tidak! I'm a very very very shy person. Ngn kwn2 je duk hu ha lbh. Klu kena present ke ape kt depan memg terketar lutut. Itu memg kelemahan aku n aku sedang membaiki nya. Tapi klu nak suh menonjol tu memg x boleh lor~
Nama bertukar -.-
Seperti yang anda telah lihat, nama blog aku telah ditukar oleh aku *sape lagi kan?* simple and memang itu nama aku. Dgn kreatif nye aku singkatkan gabungan nama penuh and nickname aku di atas tu. Hebat x? *poyo je aku ni* Caye x tu singkatan nama penuh n nickname aku? Yg kenal aku mesti la caye~ hehe >.<
Kalau nama blog ni x unik lagi x tau la tuh. Da nk sama ngn url aku lagi tu. Haa~ok la tu kan? ^_^ Setakat ni nama je yg tukar, layout belum lg. X sempat lor~
Minggu ni memang busy skit dgn assignment yg berlambak ngn tutorial yg bermuka2 *ok, da terover hyperbola*. Esok, eh, pagi nanti insyaallah kul 7.45 a.m jalan p tasik ramai2. Petang tu plak klu jadi p faciteam punye course. Busy tuh~ Pastu keje yg bnyk2 tu x tau bila nk siap T_T
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sape ade idea?
Perghhh~demand la plak. Haha~gurau2...aku skrg ni tgh kusut nak cari idea untuk name blog aku nih. Sebab yg skrg nye cam terlalu common. Ramai yang guna. Isk3
Ini blog nama kena tukar ma~ *jdi cina kejap* >.<
So, tugas aku skrg, cari nama yg unik, yg aku sorang je guna! *cam la xde keje lain, assignment berlambak tgh menunggu -.-* Sila sabar ye kawan2. Aku skg ni tgh pk nak tukar layout blog ni. Nak kena buat satu persatu. Bukan senang nak tukar sendiri. Nak ejas html lg, nak kasi cantik lagi, nak kasi ngam ngn taste aku lagi, and lagi,and lagi~ -.- Aku ada jgk cari blog template yg merata kat internet ni, tapi cam de something x cukup. Tu yg terfikir nak buat sendiri.
Tapi bukan nye senang oi~ xpe! Hendak seribu daya, bukan seribu dalih. Betol x? ^_^
Sunday, July 18, 2010
2PM - I Will Give You My Life lyric
dont hurt anymore dont even cry anymore
neaga neorul jikyeo jundago
i'll protect you now
neowa yeong wonhi hamkkerago
i'll be with you forever
sarangeul midobwa dashin duryeowo ma
try believing in love dont be scared anymore
neorul haengbokhage haejugedago
i'll make you happy
ireohke ni apeseo itneunde
i'm in front of you right now
nae moksumeul geonda nae moksumeul gonda
i'm risking my life i'm risking my life
neaga neorul sarang hagiye
in order to love you
neo moksum kkaji geonda
i'm risking my life
ireon nae maeulmeul neon ani
do you know my feelings
jakku bogo shipeun mam ani
do you know how much i miss you
saranghagiye nan moksumdo geonda
i'm putting my life on the line to love you
ijen honja anya nawa hamkke janha
you're not alone anymore you're with me together now
sesange jichyeoseo himi deul ttaedo
if you're tired with the world
neaga neorul wiro hajanha
i'm here consoling you
sarangeul midobwa ijen nareul jikyeobwa
try believing in love observe me now
neorul haengbokhage haejugedago
i'll make you happy
ireohke ni apeseo itneunde
i'm in front of you right now
repeat c/o
eotteon geoto uril gallanoheul su eopgiye
nothing can seperate us
amado urin unmyeong igeji
we're probably destiny
repeat c/o
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Cable telefon rumah dicuri LAGI!
Marah nih!
Mane tak nye, aku ada lagi dua hari cuti kat rumah sebelum balik campus. Thanks a lot to them my last 2 days at home are so damn boring @_@.
Boring satu hal,
Aku plak nak register subjek keesokan hari nye, malam sblm tu diorang curik! Aku da la tgh download WGM. Putus fius betol.
Masalah nye,
Ni entah kali ke berapa cable phone kena curik. Dulu telekom cam agak cepat la jgk ganti balik. Then bila da semakin kerap kena curi, makin lambat telekom p baiki. Sebelum ni ade dekat 2 mggu jgk diorang baiki. And sekarang ni entah berape lama baru diorang baiki T_T.
Aku da de kat campus, bleh la nk on9 skg ni. Kesian adik aku, da x leh nak on9 da. Elok jgk tu, aku tgk die da start kemaruk ngn FB. Balik skolah trus ngadap FB. Isk3~
Thursday, July 8, 2010
3 More days
Actually, aku ade lagi 3 hari untuk spend time kat rumah, then kena balik campus untuk sem 1 tahun ke-2. Fuh~ rasa cam baru semalam kitorang daftar masuk. And sekarang 1 tahun telah berlalu. Macam2 aktiviti kitorang buat, macam2 kenangan yang kitorang cipta.
Harapan untuk tahun ke-2 ni, lagi banyak aktiviti best, and lagi banyak kenangan yang aku boleh capture and simpan. Tak lupa juga, belajar LAGI rajin, LAGI berusaha, and dapat pointer TINGGI!
Huh! Banyak harapan tuh. Hehe...wish me luck! ^_^
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Tak sabar nak tgk Eclipse!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Jalan - jalan p K.B
1st stop - p kedai kain kat tengah-tengah bandar KB. Kenapa p kedai kain? Mestai la sebab nak beli kain untuk raya nanti ^_^. Kenapa beli awal? Sebab bila aku dah balik kampus untuk sem baru, raya nanti baru boleh balik T_T. Jadi kena la beli awal-awal.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Sekarang ni, nak cuti puas2 selama 3 minggu. Walaupun sekejap je, janji cuti. Muahahaha. Malangnya aku x minat bola, kalau x mungkin terisi jgk masa lapang ni kan? Dan sekarang ni aku x tau nak buat ape ngn masa2 kosong kt rumah ni. Nak kerja mana cukup masa sebulan. Aku sekarang ni just blogwalking je. P tengok blog2 org lain. Nak tau jgk ape yg diorang isi kt blog masing.
Setakat ni memang macam2 jenis blog yang aku jenguk. Semua ada tarikan yang tersendiri. Blog aku plak, ape yang menarik ek? >.< Masih belum terlambat utk belajar. Usaha tangga kejayaan.*cewah* -.-
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Esok mlm balik kampung! Yeah! Cuti selama 3 minggu akan ku guna sepenuhnya dgn tidak mengadap mana2 buku akademik! ^_^v *konon nye nak kosong kan otak utk sem baru* pergh~
I got a lot of stuff to do during this break. Macam2 aku plan utk cuti ni. Kebanyakan nya adalah utk mencari duit.-.- hehe...tak lupa juga utk mencari modal utk entry blog ni. Mane boleh tinggal blog ni~ salah satu sumber income walaupun seciput je. Tapi ciput2 pn lama2 jadi bnyk jgk. Kan? >.<
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monkey Attack!!!!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Onew (Shinee) - The Name I Loved lyric
both hands trembles
sirangui gieogi chagapke dagawa aryeoonda
as i remember the cold memories of love
ijeneun deoisang
now its getting weirder
neorul ppujeong-hago sipjji aneun
i dont wish to reject you
nareul alkko itjjiman
but i just know that
gakkai inneun neol
no matter how close we are
saranghal ssu eomneun geol alkko itkkie
i know that i cant love you anymore
nal pparabol su eomneun neol
i cant miss you
gidarimi neomu himdeureo
waiting for you makes me tired
ijen gyeondil su eopsseo
i cant endure anymore
irwojil su eopkkie
and i cant realize it
naega saranghaettteon geu ireum
the name i loved once in this life
bulleo boryeo nagal ssu rok neomu meoreojeottteon
has becoming further and further away from me
geu ireum ijen jeogeonoko deoulmeogyeo
i am writing your name on a paper
nae ane sumgo sipeokeo
and forever kept in my heart
neol saranghal ssu bakkeeopsseottteon
from that day, i only realize that
geu nareul ijen arajwoyo
i will only loved you forever
irul su eomneun sarangdo sarang inikka
love that cant be together can also be known as love
honja hyang su eomneun sarangiranneukki-meun naege dagawa
i cant handle the love memories and feelings alone
sijak hal ssudo eomneun
i cant start this
geuriumdeureun keojeoman gago
i can only miss you secretly in my heart
sirin gaseum han kyeonen
my heart only left your fragrance
neoui hyanggiman nama
that i miss and always loved
repeat c/o
sucheon beoneul ttorikyeo cheoeu-mui naro gansungane
thousands of times remembering the first time our eyes met
gaseum han guseogeul tta asagal nae moseubingeol
and stolen an edge of my heart without me noticing
repeat c/o
Friday, June 11, 2010
Just want to share with u something. As you see the title above, i'm going to introduce to you this 1 cool website for youth around asia. I'm not sure if u guys heard it or even have joined this cool sites, but there are already a lot of youth joined this youthsays.com.
Ok, for those who have not heard about this, let me share this with you.
First of all, anyone out there want money??? Of course you want it right? Before i go further, let me make this clear, this site is not exactly a place to make lots of money, but you still can generate some. By promoting their campaign. Like adsense and nuffnang stuff. Not all their caimpaign generate money for you though. It depands on the company. But there's hell alot of companies give out money for us to promote their stuff. So dont you worry. You got alot of opportunity to make some tiny bit money from here.
Cool stuff huh. But wait to you read this.
Not only you can make money, you can also win some stuff for example like Ipod Nano 8GB! Ok. I just realize that they have open another contest for this thing as prize -.- The contest just simple, you only have to come out with the lowest unique bid. Easy huh? They not only give away this Ipod Nano stuff, they also had given a branded bag.
Hmm...if you still not intrested in this, then i dont know what to say anymore. This site has like alot of company sponsored them. From electronic to food, i'm sure you can imagine how many company that sponsored them. I have joined them, why dont you guys join too? They open for every youth from 18 -35 in Malaysia. They also had in another country like Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and other coutries across south east asia.
If you are intrested, you can click here . That's all for now. I'm going to try to win the ipod. hehe. Wish me luck! ^_^v
Before i go to sleep....
Before that, i might as well spend a little time post something on my blog. >.<
I know that i somehow like promise to post kpop lyrics, but i didnt yet till now. Please forgive me. I'm kinda buzy lately, with final exams in the corner and of course lots of assignment. -.- I'll post at least 1 lyric soon, just bear with me for a while. Thanks for being patience =)
I think i'm going to sleep now. I've the-never-end class tomorrow MORNING. T_T
Monday, June 7, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
This is Me : : 1st week of June
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Easy Cake and Cookie Decorating
Does this sound like you? You practically have icing bag in hand when you suddenly find yourself with some cake decorating challenge that requires some expert advice.
You start flipping through that dusty collection of cake decorating books sitting on your shelf, but the answers you need aren't close at hand.
Quickly jumping online, you attempt to search through every cake and cookie decorating website looking for an answer. An hour later and all you've come across are bakery ads, three identical recipes to oatmeal cookies, and confusing instructions on how to make a cow wedding cake.
At this point you're probably feeling the same stress and frustration shared by countless other cake and cookie decorators, both beginner and professional.
Sure, you can try things like cake decorating blogs, forums, chat rooms, message boards, email lists, internet searches, yadda, yadda, yadda...
But those places can often make you feel like you're getting nowhere fast.
Just imagine. No more endlessly searching the internet. No more waiting for answers that may never come. No more falling behind.
Guess what?
The work has already been done for you.
YummyArts.com is not just another website, it's the ultimate cake and cookie decorating support system.
* Get the answers you need right now.
* Exclusive, step-by-step video instruction.
* Keep all of your cake and cookie information stored in one convenient place.
* Award-winning cake and cookie decorators on-staff.
* Full email support for questions and video requests.
* We also have cookie designs, candy, and seasonal items. It's not just cakes.
Whether you're a working cake decorator or struggling to get started, this website is designed specifically for you.
Click Here for more information. Happy decorating! ^_^
Monday, May 31, 2010
This is Me : : last day of May
So~ape yg aku nk tulis ek? @_@
Jadi~ aku wt pasal aku kuar outing tdi jdi cerita...hehe ^_^...pd pukul 2pm tdi, aku ngn kwn2 aku kuar lh outing~*skema smcm je kn?* ktorg p megamall...da tde tmpt lain da nk melepak kt bndr kuantan ni....x mcm kl...hoho....nk jdi kn cerita...aku time short ni la da strt reti main bowling n berkaraoke..wah!gler ah! kn? -.- ni pn sbb de 'bnyk' mase 'lapang', jdi ktorg pn kuar la isi mase2 yg sgt 'lapang' tu..n aku ikt je kwn2 aku tu p main segale mcm kt ctu...*aku pn actually tertarik jgk nk main* hahaha...ptg tdi aku x bowl..sbb ari kamis lps dh bowl da~ jdi aku kena la kwl dri aku yg x brape berduit ni...aku tdi kuar pn sbb nk beli sandal...muahahaha...lg la xde duit nk main T_T...ajt nk post gmbr sandal bru tu...tp blom amk lg ngn kwn...gmbr de kt cam die...hoho...nti lh aku post len kali...esk lusa ke...wt tajuk awl bln 6 plak >.< and this is the end ^_^
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
This is Me : : tears drop

A picture speaks a thousand words. My tears are not that easy to drop without something triggered it. *gler literate punye ayat* hehe...sje nk memenuhi ruang blog ini. Lgpn bru je lepas nangis tdi..huaaaa T_T
Bnyk sebab yg menyebabkn seseorg itu menangis...terutamanye aku. Kdg2 just tgk scene yg menyentuh hati dlm drama atau movie da jatuh air mata. Yg paling xleh blah tgk anime pn bleh nangis..=.=... Kdg tu bce buku cerita pn blh nangis. *haih* Senangnye air mata ku ini jatuh ke bumi. Murah sgt kot. Lgpn ada org kata air mata pmpn ni murah, senang nk mengalir. Entah btol entah tidak.
Betul la ape yg org tu ckp, ble die wt x baik ngn kte, kte akn sedih. Lalu menangis x brenti..huaaa T_T Memg tepat pun. Tapi tu pn sbb kte da wt die terasa, die lak sensentap, wt dek, kte sedih..*haih* da x btol da aku ni.
Anyway,skg da ok skit. Da pandai da nk luah perasaan kt sini. *luah perasaan ke ni?* Pape pn, sorry la ek klu korg rase semcm je bce blog ni. Ini lah aku yg tgh merapu. Muahahaha. Harap diri ini dimaafkan. =) 0-0 ek.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
dis is me yg sje xde keje *teehee!*
ptg tdi de sekor monyet ni masuk bilik.terkejut beruk aku! wakaka...lawak2 jgk tp memg takut gler...nape la hostel aku ni dekat sgt ngn hutan...kan da jdi mangsa2 alam sekeliling..huh~ terketar lutut aku dek monyet duk tenggek ats meja study ni..seb baik monyet ni jenis penakut gak...lju je kuar tingkap...klu x naya aku kena serang...T_T
fuh~ x sangka campus life aku ni cmni...tp menarik jgk...x pernah dgr student lain duk cite pasal monyet2 nih...ngeh3
aku skg ni tertanya-tanya jgk...adakah aku ni seorg yg xde perasaan?duk buat dek je ngn org...*haih,susah gak nk luah perasaan indirectly cmni -.-* aku pn x tau nk cakap cmne da...biar lah org nk pikir camne pn~ aku tetap aku...dis is who i am, a person who still cant open to other guys yet...be it coz of the past or present...tp future aku ngh risau lak...kot gelap je naya aku T_T
p.s terima lah diriku ini seadanya~ *cam pelik je ayat tu -.-
Thursday, February 4, 2010
TVXQ - Why Did I Fall In Love with You lyric
Why did i fall in love with u
Donna ni toki ga nagarete mo kimi wa zutto
No matter how much time has flown by
Koko ni iru to omotteta noni
I thought u would always be here
Demo kimi ga eranda no wa chigau michi
But what u choose was a different path
Doushite~ kimi ni nani mo tsutaerarenakattan darou
Why couldnt i get through to u?
Mainichi maiban tsunotteku omoi
The feelings get stronger day n night
Afuredasu kotoba wakatteta noni
The overflowing words although understood
Mou todokanai
Will never reach u again
Hajimete deatta sono hi kara
From the day we first met
Kimi wo shitteita ki ga shittanda
I felt like i've known u
Amari ni shizen ni tokekonde shimatta futari
We melted into each other so naturally
Doko ni iki nori mo isshou de
We went everywhere together
Kimi ga iru koto ga touzen de
U would always be there
Bokura wa futari de otonaninatte kita
We've grown up together
Demo kimi ga eranda no wa chigau michi
But what u choose was a different path
Doushite~ kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou
Why did i fall in love with u
Donna ni toki ga nagarete mo kimi wa zutto
No matter how much time has flown by
Koko ni iru to omotteta noni
I thought u would always be here
Mou kaerenai
But i cant go back anymore
Tokubetsuna imi wo motsu kyou wo
This day of special meaning
Shiawase kao de tatsu kyou wo
This day u stand with a happy face
Ki reina sugata de kami sama ni negatteru kimiwo
Beautifully praying to god
Boku janai hito no tonari shukufukusareteru sugata wo
Beside someone who's not me and being blessed
Boku wa douyatte miokureba ii no darou
How shall i let that go?
Doushite~ kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou
Why did i fall in love with u
Ano no koro no bokura no koto
What we did during those days
mou modorenai (kangaeta~)
I cant return to it anymore (i've thought it over)
Doushite~ kimi note wo tsukami ubae nakattan darou
Why couldnt i hold on to ur hands?
Donna ni toki ga nagare te mo kimi wa zutto
No matter hoe much time hv flown by
Boku no yoko ni iru hazu datta
I thought u would always be beside me
Sono mama aii
Just like we were
Soredemo~ kimi ga boku no soba hanarereteite mo
Eventhough u're away from my side
Eien ni kimi ga shiawase de iru koto tada negatteru
I'm just praying u'll be happy forever for eternity
Tatoe sore ga donna ni sabishikute mo
No matter how lonely i may be
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
i think i'm going crazy T_T
respect others...if i did somthing wrong then tell me nicely eventhough nobody likes to hear what they did wrong from others.hohoho~
That is one part.Now for the second part, i dont know what to write in this blog.I'm really not that good in writing and last time i check i dont really like putting my feelings into words like some people did. So i think i just going to continue to put in songs lyrics since i really like music. That's the least i can do with my blog...hehe ^_^ i'll be focusing on korean song cause i relly like korean song. But that doesnt mean that only korean songs lyric that will be in my blog. Please dont misunderstand that my blog will be the source of song lyrics. I just doing it for fun and when i'm free. =) i'll only put the lyrics that i like and intrested with. I may be write things like this one some times when i hv the urged to spill..i really dont know who will read my blog though.
::I'm really sorry if i've waste ur time reading this nonsense. Like i said before i'm not good at this kind of stuff..huhu..T_T
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Beast - Bad Girl Lyrics
Be crazy~ Cant let you go
Sad love song~ My love's gone
Plz baby dont go far!~ So beast!!!
Down down we gotta get down x3
I wanna come to me girl
Down down we gotta get down x3
I wanna come to me girl
Niga ttonan jarie sulpumi gadukhae
The place u left is filled with sadness
Naman dugo ttenaborimyon nan ottokhea
What do i do if u left me alone?
Shigani jinagado ni olguri jakku ttoolla
Eventhough times goes by, ur face keeps sufacing
Moriga binggul binggul donunde
My head is spinning around
Ojega majikma kiss nol jopji mothan nae miss
Yesterday was the last kiss, I cant hold u my miss
Modunge kkumigil plz nan gunyang babo baboga dwen got gata
Plz let this all be a dream, I've simply become a fool
Sorichyo sorichyo bullo butjapgo butjapgo shipodo
I scream and scream, eventhough I want to take u and hold u
Hey hey hey girl dorowajwo plz my hate girl
Hey hey hey girl come back plz my hate girl
Amori saengakheado maldo andwe bad girl
No matter how much i think about it, it doesnt make sense bad girl
Jakkumanani saenggage michyo michyo bad girl
The thought of you keeps making me crazy bad girl
Ttonaji mallago nege sorichyodo
Eventhough i screamed at u asking not to leave
Dwibora bojido annun bad girl
U didnt even look back bad girl
G.O.N.E niga ttonani jal gadan shigyedo stop gwenhi
G.O.N.E when u left even the clock stop
Nae gwieso dullinun like our story (so sick)
Pointlessly listening in my ears like our story (so sick)
Hanttaenun ma ma lady niga opso uro nan daily
For a while ma ma lady, without u i cried daily
Ajik ni jarinun biwodulge girl C.O.M.E
I'm still reserving ur spot girl C.O.M.E
Miwohanji harumane guriwojyo
I only hated u for one day, i'm mising u
Ni saengage nae olguri nunmullo bonjyo
The thought of u brings tears to my face
Nol butjaburyo hamyon noyege dagagalsorok do
As i get closer to u, to take u and hold u
Naegeso molli molli ganunde
U go farther away from me
Dashi dolligin nomu nujoborin got gatae
It seems like its too late to go back again
Ni moksuriga naegeso jakku morojinunde
Ur voice is becoming more distant from me
Repeat ##
Repeat ###
Yotaekkon niga haetton modun mal
All the words u ever said
Hansugan modunge do gojitmal
In a moment they all become lies
Ni mamul dwedolliryo halsurok
As i try to make ur heart come back
Naegeso han gorumshik morojyo ganun no
U're gradually going more distant from me
Repeat ###
Down down we gotta get down x3
I wanna come to me girl
Na honjaman tto sulpohae
All alone i'm crying again
Down down we gotta get down x3
I wanna come to me girl