Monday, August 6, 2012

review : nature republic’s ice jelly primer

salam all ^_^

seperti yang dijanjikan sebelum ni…qis akan post review yang qis beli kat nature republic..sorry lambat sangat baru nak post since qis ‘busy’ sikit kebelakangan ni ;p

2012-07-07 15.40.05

tada~ primer ni ade 4 jenis kalau tak silap…this one is in green melon..bau dia sangat best..bau tembikai susu..sangat lembut..kawan2 qis pun suka bau dia…yang best nya bila sapu kat muka rasa sejuk je…masa beli tu promoter tu cakap letak dalam peti..tapi tempat qis duk sekarang peti sejuk jauh dari just letak dalam loker je…rasanya kalau letak dalam peti ni mesti lagi best…balik rumah nanti nak try..hehe

2012-07-07 15.40.48

product descriptions:

  • grant the dry skin moisture before applying makeup
  • help to cover enlarged pores & uneven texture
  • this primer enhances natural beauty of skin tone
  • perfectly glides onto skin
  • protects skin from UV rays
  • long wearing throughout the day

ambik dari internet since yang ada kat bekas tulisan korea..hoho


qis tak boleh bagitau yang ni primer yang paling best since this is my first one…so tak leh nak compare…texture dia macam jelly and very creamy..bila sapu kat muka jadi cam shiny skit…nampak glossy..primer ni cerahkan kulit tapi tak lah sampai jadi macam hantu…primer ni jugak tutup pores and redness yang ada kat muka…really love it…

primer ni ada oil control and makeup boleh tahan lama..qis suka pakai primer ni dengan 2 way cake foundation sebab primer ni dah rasa macam foundation sikit..lagipun kulit qis berminyak kat t-zone terutama kat dahi and hidung…so lepas sapu primer ni then sapu 2-way cake dah cukup..tapi xde la tutup sangat parut jerawat semua tu..yang tu kena pakai concealer plak…tapi qis tak kisah sangat yang tu ;p

so that’s kali pertama qis buat i hope it helps =)

Monday, July 9, 2012

its black and white

tengah nak buat header baru...tema black and white gitu...malang nye dah half way give up..haha..xde idea nak sambung camne...tapi gambar yang dah diedit nampak cant help myself to show off a bit..haha..

kecik je gambar ni...sesuai la nak jdikan profile pic..mula2 tu resize baru buat black white semua tu...ingat nak buat kat original size nya tak jadi plak...tak dapat yang effect cam yang kecik nye..sorry im still noob at editing photos T_T

Thursday, July 5, 2012

haul at nature republic

after my final sem exam in june i went back to penang since my family were short i love going back there since my grandparents house is closed to queensbay i was there for 1 week and at home for 1 week then begin my industrial training T_T~

ok..enough with that..terbebel panjang that was the first time i bought product from nature republic...i was searching for face i went to look for them at the face food and nature republic..survey first..hehe..lastly i decided to buy at nature republic since they have sale at that time...

so here's what i bought :=
1. ice jelly primer green
2. so big mascara
3. face pack
4. others were sample

they give a hell lot of samples...i receive their skin care range from the facial wash, toner and's my opinion.. LOVE them! especially the mascara..they dont clump like others usually do..very2 smooth..and guess what, i bought them for only like rm16~18...didnt remember the exact price...i had used the soybean face them too! the texture of the liquid really similar like soybean..i mean the color is not transparent but like milk..the fragrance is also soy like..not so strong..i bought the face pack for rm20 for 5 it's rm4 per right??

lastly the most expensive item i bought is the face primer...i think it was rm30 something..really2 like it especially its fragrance..smell like melon...i think i'm going make the review about this one later~

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

[anime] the end of bleach

have you guys - fans of bleach heard the news??

"For those who are unaware, TV Tokyo had announced that Bleach anime series will be coming to an end with Episode 366. There is no word as of yet whether the series will ever return or not."

so...we're not going to see anymore of bleach anime...but the manga still ongoing least they end the well..not hanging like some other animes @_@

you can still read the manga if you miss them...this site have the whole collection of bleach guys can go download them at

Monday, June 25, 2012

latihan industri di UPM

so i'm currently reside at university putra malaysia for my industrial training...alas~ dah tiba masa untuk aku lalui fasa pembelajaran yang seterusnya...cewah... ;p

fortunately i came here with my 14 friends...haha..praktikal ape skali satu tempat 15 orang...ngehehehe...jeles tak?? =p kami praktikal kat sini masa kerja dia sama macam staff kat U...dari isnin sampai jumaat..start kul 8am - 5pm...since we stayed in campus so tak rasa sangat letih..tambah2 lagi kerja kami bukan kat office~

kerja qis kat sini lebih kepada macam students..macam srudents buat masters gitu..ngee ^_^ since my cocentration is pure math so my industrial training is more in research..that's why we came supervisor is a lecturer..associate prof gitu..datang sini belajar lagi...there's no end in learning...every day we learn something new whether we aware of it or not..

Thursday, June 14, 2012

qist bukak kedai

akhirnya~ setelah beberapa lama duk plan je alhamdulillah berjaya jugak bukak online shop..

kat sebelah kiri ni qis dh letak bagde page shop qis..jemput semua untuk like =) ..qis ada jugak buat promotion skit2..x leh nak buat banyak2..hehe.. setiap 30 liker akan dapat 20% diskaun untuk pembelian pertama..kira nya liker yang ke 30, 60, 90, 120, ..... akan dapat 20% diskaun.. ^_^

barang yang qis jual kebanyakkan nya handmade..qis sendiri yang buat..sekarang ni ada brooch, lanyard, neck strap dan lain2..jika berminat boleh la singgah tengok kat album..sebarang pertanyaan boleh message atau pm kat page tu..insyaallah qis akan cuba reply asap ^_^

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

brand new

so i've put up a brand new header and change the title of my blog...kononnya pasang azam baru utk update blog lebih kerap lepas ni...haha..insyaallah...

as the title's going to be about my life..but basically all previous posts were about my life..what i've done, what i like, and my thoughts, hopefully no more confusions *fingers cross*

i also put up a new bloglist..and its about beauty a *girl* ok and i do love makeup..i just dont wear them as much as they im still learning and hopefully i mastered them when im getting x payah upah mak andam, jimat pitih =p

Monday, June 11, 2012

the looooong hiatus

almost 3 months i didnt post anything here...anyone miss me?? i'm on my semester there u go...i didnt post anything here during the semester...aigoo...dont really have the mood to do it...

i only have around 2 weeks break then i have to go for my industrial training...T_T really jealous of those who get to rest for 3 MONTHS!! so..i cant promise that i will update regularly but i'll try...

there are a lot of things that i want to post seriously..and the identity of my blog are still unknown...even i dont know..@_@ am i going to post in english from now on??or still going to use bahasa??hmmm...i am so sorry for the confusion...but i think it will depends on my mood..haha..

i'm also trying to post is it better to do it in english or bahasa?? let me know about your opinion =)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Busy Der…

Salam semua~

My second semester dah bermula..and sekarang dah masuk dua minggu..jadual sem ni agak pack…nak post pun agak susah sikit..but I’ll try to find the time to post something..even though nobody visits…hey its ok…I love to write anyway..this is one of my many hobbies ^^..

So..this sem agak kelam of my lecturers suka bagi homework..setiap kali kelas mesti ada homework..kalau satu dua soalan I myself don’t mind..tapi ni bagi banyak2 wo…dah la susah..huhu..the challenge of a mathematical student~

And..currently I’m also busy with my other hobby..which is none other crafting…one of my customer ordered 20 cupcake hp charm…that I’ll show you guys next time..hehe..this I don’t mind too because I love doing it..^^..

Setakat ni saja dulu..kena p buat homewrok..hohoho

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kurang jelas ek…

Salam semua..hmm..ada yang kasi komen kat chatbox kasi tau blog qis ni kurang jelas..tapi qis nak tanya balik kuarang jelas camne tu?

Bila qis pikir2 balik..maybe yang kuarang jelas dengan content blog sini qis jelaskan sikit..qis memang tulis macam2 benda dalam blog ni..cerita pasal family qis..apa yang qis buat..apa yang qis jumpa..cerita pasal kpop..cerita pasal anime..maybe ada yang konpius blog ni pasal apa sebenarnya ek?kpop kah?anime kah?blogshop kah? kecantikan kah?

Semua tu betul dan tak betul..hehe..lagi konpiuskan? Actually this is my personal blog..more like my journal..qis tulis je pape yang rase nak tulis..lebih tepat lagi apa yang qis nak kongsi..apa yang qis rase..apa yang qis minat..apa yang qis tau..dan apa yang berlaku disekeliling qis..kalau qis tak nak kongsi buat apa nak tulis kan?baik simpan kat diri sendiri..

Or maybe the language?the campurization?haha..ok kidding..nape kadang2 post qis dalam english?sebab tiba2 rasa nak taip english..hmm..salah ke?qis still student..nak kena kuasai englsih kena lah praktikkan tak?tapi kadang2 perkataan dalam english tu lagi tepat untuk luahkan apa yang qis rasa..lebih kurang gitu la…

Tapi kalau korang rasa pening skit bila baca ayat2 yang berterabur ni qis minta maaf la ye..qis trilingual..and bahasa yang qis guna kat rumah masa kecik2 dulu hokkien and mom dulu tak kasi guna melayu..tapi sekarang satu rumah dah klate mom pun dah tak leh nak stop..hehe..tapi qis kecik dulu biasa dengan mandrin..sekolah rendah dulu kat sekolah cina..qis sekarang pun kalau kawan ngan chinese qis speak mandrin ngan kalau ayat tu cam ntahpape tu maafkan qis ye ^^.

Sincerely with lots of love~

2011-12-25 13.39.34

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My zen at a shopping mall ^^.

Hehe..paling suka singgah tempat ni time shopping..malangnya hanya mampu belek tak mampu nak bawak keluar T_T

But this time i bought something for myself..thanks to them i can buy books that i cant afford to purchase ^_^v

Monday, January 23, 2012

All about food #2–tuan yuan

Salam all..malam ni baru rasa nak update kali ni citer pasal makan malam atau lebih dikenali makan kira malam raya tu satu family berkumpul ramai-ramai makan its like dinner reunion..unfortunately my younger uncle unable to join us this year sebab tak dapat cuti..tapi tahun ni ada tambah seorang auntie kira ok la.. ;P

So kami p dinner kat hotel..again…memang tak de tempat lain dah kalau nak makan menu kali ni….


An eight course dinner termasuk dengan dia lebih kurang sama dengan sebelum ni cuma yang beza kali ni dessert memang first time makan dessert once again I’ll spoiled you guys with picturessss~



so..this is one of the chinese tradition..yee sang..ramai-ramai kacau yee sang tu sambil wish masing-masing like be healthy always,gong xi fa chai, xin nian kuai le etc..itulah makna makanan yee sang tu..tapi tak berapa sedap pun nak makan sebab dia mentah..sampai sekarang tak leh nak determine apa ada dalam tu kecuali salmon..








so there you go..terliur tak?ngeh3..Smile with tongue out hehe..banyak jugak makan malam tu..sangat kenyang..and akhirnya terlentok tak leh nak gerak….



Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Love Crafting #3

Wah..dah part 3 dah…hehe..nak wat cmne qis memang suka buat benda2 ni..time exam pun sempat lagi buat..hilangkan stress..tapi memang suka sangat3..^_^

Kali ni qis kasi tunjuk brooch yang qis buat..ada macam-macam jenis..and still tengah cari idea untuk buat macam-macam lagi..hehe...

2011-12-19 14.42.20

2011-12-19 14.42.40

2011-12-19 14.42.58

2011-12-19 14.43.10

2011-12-19 14.43.51

2011-12-22 20.56.54

Yang atas ni qis sempat ambik satu je gambar..sebab yang ini tuannya dah ambik…insyaallah ni antara brooch2 yang qis nak jual…tapi in case ada sape-sape yang berminat boleh lah comment ye..tinggalkan email…qis dah start jual cuma tak bukak blogshop lagi..kiranya informal la..secara rasminya mungkin dalam masa terdekat ni…tapi yang sure nya after CNY la..hehe..

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

home sweet home

habis sudah semester 1 year 3..sekarang dah ada kat rumah tapi kerja banyak lagi..huhu..maklumlah nak berniaga lah konon nya kan..haha..

khamis ni dah kena tolak balik penang..duk sana seminggu untuk chinese new year..kalau family qis tak balik kesian plak grandparents qis tak leh nak sambut ngan cucu-cucu mereka..nak wat camne..kami 4 beradik je cucu diorang..tahun depan maybe dapat sorang kot from my uncle yang baru kahwin tu..hoho

cuti ni plan nak set up blogshop..harap-harap sempat la sebelum bukak sem 2 nanti..cuti 3 minggu je..huhu

Friday, January 13, 2012

Its cold all over again...

Brrrrr...its been raining for two days now...and i've been afraid to take shower in the morning for three days...its too cold..going to exam hall is challenging too since the rain wont stop...and i dont think it will today too..aigoo...T_T

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Huu Haa Stressss~!

Tak tau kenapa malam ni rasa stress gila..stress dengan paper petang tadi..dan stress dengan paper pagi esok..pagi esok punye paper memang rasa macam ape pun tak tau..masalahnya memang tak tau pape pun..huhu

Macam mana la exam esok ye?hmm..langsung tak de mood nak study..subjek ni memang susah nak cerna..subjek C++..huuu..masa midterm exam open book and open laptop..memang lepas la…untuk final esok open book je..hoho

2011-12-02 19.38.34

Ni la keadaan meja time midterm exam..and yang paling syok nye dapat wifi..pakat2 duk share jawapan..haha..memang rasa lawak time tu…

2011-12-02 19.38.04

Semangat bawak extension..battery life laptop masing-masing tak cukup kuat untuk sepanjang exam..kena la bawak ni…

Tapi esok dapat tengok buku je..carry mark dah tak lah risau sangat..tapi STRESSS JUGAK~ T_T

Thursday, January 5, 2012

All about food part 1

Sorry sebab sekarang baru nak post..tengah dalam exam mood..hoho @_@ so, family qis ada p dinner kat sebuah auntie yang belanja parents lambat lagi nak keluarkan duit sebanyak 90 per dinner buffet kat hotel sempena krismas..bukan qis yang sambut, auntie qis nak kita ambil peluang isi perut..ngehehe..=p

2011-12-24 19.25.05

Round 1..ada nasi jugak walaupun buffet bertemakan krismas..kat malaysia ni memang dah tak leh lari dah..haha..ada macam2 jenis makanan jugak..ambik sikit satu nak try..

2011-12-24 20.00.40

Round 2..ada sushi tapi tak banyak variety..then ada turkey..hoho..1st time makan turkey..memang rasa macam ayam..haha..

2011-12-24 20.20.44

Last but not least dessert..lepas makan ni memang tak mampu nak isi pape dah dalam perut..huhu..sabo je la..

2011-12-24 19.56.42

The dessert comes from this..hehe..macam2 house mom beria-ria nak pose sebab memang tak kan jumpa dah dessert ni unless my aunt coming back on christmas again this year..but I don’t think so..ho ho ho ;p