Thursday, October 28, 2010

"live like your dying"

A song title that i heard sung by Kris Allen. It struck me and make me think about this. If all people really live like they are dying, what would this world be? I can think of 2 things - its either peace or chaos. What do you think?

Peace - if we set our mind that we must do good to other to own deeds, then the world of course will be peace. There kindness in the air around us. Everyone of us cares each other. It can also be that people are all racing to own deeds and become a really faithful servant towards our God, since we are going to die.

Chaos - this will happened if people are selfish. Only want to fulfill their desire. Desire are a very frightful thing. It can make us do unreasonable thing to own it. People will start to push each other away, doesn't care about the law in fact the will be no laws anymore. Since i'm going to die, why not i get myself this and that. That is my right in this world. That will be the mind set of people who don't have religion in their heart.

But of course this is true, that we are all dying. Each and every seconds we are getting older. Each and every second we are reaching our time limit. But not many people think it this way? That's why there are a lot of corruption going around.

Think about it. Lu pikir la sendiri...

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